HU - Competences

•Processing/Settlement •Fraud Prevention •Authorization

  • Do you think the perception of the quality of bank services and good reputation is affected by the speed of bankcard transaction processing and the efficiency of bankcard fraud prevention?
  • How important is for your bank operation the speed and availability of bankcard systems?
  • What actual value do you see in working with a local development and implementation partner of a global vendor on the optimization of bankcard systems?

Of the bank services bankcard usage and bankcard transactions are on a steady rise virtually unaffected by financial and economic crises. Speed, availabiliy, security of bankcard systems, and prevention of fraud is of high importance from the point of view of cardholder and acquirer satisfaction and of the bank’s reputation. Capsys has delivered successful upgrade, optimization, and implementation projects at banks in various countries, including the solutions of ACI Worldwide. The scope of our projects typically goes beyond implementation and support: we provide business consulting delivering process and operation design.

Our expert team delivered support and evaluations for the design of business processes for the bankcards operation division, optimization of Bankcard Transaction Settlement/Processing, design, development, and implementation of Fraud Prevention solutions, and support of bankcard back-office systems.